Inspire Hope

Richards' Death Highlights Rise in Esophageal Cancer

Sept. 14, 2006 — from ABCnews

Breast, colon, lung and skin cancer often make headlines, but few people realize that the cancer that took the life of former Texas governor and political firecracker Ann Richards is one of the fastest-growing cancers in the United States.

Richards was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in March of this year, only six months before her death, a testament to the deadliness of the disease.

This year more than 14,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Of those, just 16 percent — or about 2,200 patients — will be alive in five years.
Over the past two decades, experts have seen a sixfold increase in the number of people diagnosed with esophageal cancer.

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Since her diagnoses in August 2005, it has become Lin's mission to help others live with this deadly disease, especially through Complementary and alternative medicine. Check back often for more information. Typically a high profile personality leads the path to conventionism. There was nothing conventional about Ann Richards nor the path she took to treat esophageal cancer. Read more about the former governor of Texas' struggle.

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