Inspire Hope

Double Whammy, Double Nickel Fundraiser: 7 pm, Tuesday, November 14, 2006 link

Lin and Branko during healthier times

Lin and Branko Marelic are a pair of entrepreneurs living in Mission Viejo, California. Last year, Lin was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer: Stage III. After intensive radiation and chemotherapy, the next step in traditional treatment is the removal of the esophagus. With the future outlook questionable pursuing this form of treatment, Lin opted to throw herself into a lifestyle changing, life transforming holistic set of treatments.

During this time, her husband Branko stepped up to increase the income from his own business to take the burden off of Lin and allow her to focus on her health, by now a full time job. He participated actively in Lin’s lifestyle and health changes and did his best to look after his wife.

In mid August, ‘06, Branko, a naturalized American citizen from Croatia, suffered a major brain aneurism, putting him into a coma for over 30 days. Now awake, although still hospitalized, he faces the long recovery of stroke survivors. Lin, of course, is by his side.

Self-employed, these major health issues have cost the Marelic both their incomes, so on top of supporting each other back to good health, they have major financial concerns.

You can help, by offering a small donation to, an organization set up to offer family friends and others a way to support Lin and Branko in their time of need. A very wise person once said, 'If you can solve a problem with money, it’s not really a problem.' While hardly anyone is able to solve this problem for the Marelic’s on their own, together, we can all do a little to help.

This site was launched to initially help the Marelic's at this time of need, however, it has become Lin's calling to help others with esophageal cancer since her diagnoses in August 2005.

More about Lin's mission


Giving Grace

You look around your blessed days
Abundance bounds beyond mere means
You’re working hard and well it pays
And life is good and so it seems

A debt is owed to the world at large
In gratitude for this largesse
To turn your back ignores the charge and
Denies the grace of gratefulness

To acknowledge gifts concedes the dues
That gratitude begins to pay
To some there’s still much more to choose
And those are you who’re here today

Your gift of vigor, time and force
In exchange for life so richly blessed
Assumed that duty is the source
Required of you, and never guessed

That you are Spirit’s reflecting light
The touch of angels on your face
The debt you pay becomes delight
As blessed you are with Giving Grace

~Tina Ann is an organization inspired by this tragedy to offer family and friends the opportunity to support Lin and Branko in their time of need.



A donation to Inspire Hope will help us
to help others. We are deeply grateful for your donation and support.

Mouse Story

more Tina Ann poetry and Personal Verses


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